Lavelle Productions is a premier video production company dedicated to creating captivating visual content. Our team undertakes a wide variety of commercial, editorial, fine art, and documentary assignments with an impassioned interest in world culture, humanity, and conceptual imagery. LP specializes in creating nuanced, engaging branded content videos by combining their passion for storytelling and experience in documentary film-making. This organic style results in productions that build brand awareness in a way that is more effective than traditional advertising. Hence, whether you’re looking for a commercial, documentary, or corporate video, we tailor our services to meet your unique needs and exceed your expectations.
Our Team
Meet the creative minds behind Lavelle Productions. Our team is composed of experienced directors, cinematographers, editors, and producers who are passionate about their craft and in delivering your story.
Mechelle LaVelle
Director, Producer
Samantha Fonseca
Production Manager
Fletcher Grant
Andrea Leombruni
Art Director
Our Clients
Mike Phillips
Fred Whitfield
Conrad Booker
why choose us?
We are passionate about what we do and committed to delivering exceptional results. Here are a few reasons to choose Lavelle Productions for your next project: